Local Tennis Great Nails "Betray Us" Petraeus

Great job Alan, per your usual!
Gen. David Petraeus is a four-star general, a man of honor, integrity, valor and patriotism. He is a hero. Imagine that Moveon.org would question his veracity. Imagine that Democrats and some Republicans would suggest that such a distinguished officer and gentleman who is beyond reproach would give testimony that is not his own, but heavily influenced by the White House.
He would never cherry pick, distort and manipulate the facts. He would never exclude death by car bombs as part of the death count. He would never exclude those shot in the front of the head in the death count and only include those shot in the back of the head. We have already established that this is a man to be trusted, because we told you so.
Do you believe someone we told you that you can trust or do you believe independent reports by the Government Accountability Office (Sept. 4), the National Intelligence Estimate (Aug. 23), the Jones report (Gen. James L. Jones, CSIS, Sept. 6) which says otherwise? This is like saying another general of higher stature and integrity, Colin Powell, would mislead us with information dictated by the White House.
Oh, I forgot -- he did.
Alan Cheah
He would never cherry pick, distort and manipulate the facts. He would never exclude death by car bombs as part of the death count. He would never exclude those shot in the front of the head in the death count and only include those shot in the back of the head. We have already established that this is a man to be trusted, because we told you so.
Do you believe someone we told you that you can trust or do you believe independent reports by the Government Accountability Office (Sept. 4), the National Intelligence Estimate (Aug. 23), the Jones report (Gen. James L. Jones, CSIS, Sept. 6) which says otherwise? This is like saying another general of higher stature and integrity, Colin Powell, would mislead us with information dictated by the White House.
Oh, I forgot -- he did.
Alan Cheah
Great letter!
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