Brit Hume Is An Asshole!

What a jerk is Brit Hume. For all the poison he spits forth from his lair at Faux Newz, my guess that any church he walked in to would burst into flames automatically. Where does he get the audacity to tell Tiger Woods that his faith is not good enough?
Fox's Brit Hume says Tiger Woods' faith is inadequate, urges him to become a Christian:
"The extent to which he can recover seems to me depends on his faith," said Hume. "He is said to be a Buddhist. I don't think that faith offers the kind of redemption and forgiveness offered by the Christian faith. My message to Tiger is, 'Tiger turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world."
"The extent to which he can recover seems to me depends on his faith," said Hume. "He is said to be a Buddhist. I don't think that faith offers the kind of redemption and forgiveness offered by the Christian faith. My message to Tiger is, 'Tiger turn to the Christian faith and you can make a total recovery and be a great example to the world."
this is what a buddhist has said about forgiveness and redemption in buddhism:
{Barbara's Buddhism Blog Guide to Buddhism
Let's Forgive Brit Hume
Monday January 4, 2010)
"Mr. Hume is right, in a sense, that Buddhism doesn't offer redemption and forgiveness in the same way Christianity does."
"If one has failed, can Buddhism help one "recover"? I'm not sure "recovering" is a word a Buddhist would use..."
If you read the complete article you will see that what buddhism offers is a concept for "loving kindness" that allow you to "walk in friendship with ourselves as well as with all beings." The problem here is that TIGER needs to RECEIVE forgiveness from the ones he have wronged. Offer loving kindness to others or himself will not work, he will need to face his sin and receive the freedom of forgiveness. Until he realizes that he will find no peace.
That forgiveness of sins trough Christ is what Brit is offering to Tiger and I think is a sincere advice based on his personal experience.
What is wrong with doing that?
Does that deserves to be called a Jerk and an Asshole?
Yes, I still think he is an asshole because the strong implication of his message was that Christianity is a BETTER religion and can offer Tiger something that Buddhism cannot. I doubt Hume consulted with any Buddhist expert on the issue, he just assumed his way is the better way. I do not care for that attitude, but it fits perfectly on Faux Newz.
you are exactly right, the implication is indeed that Christ has something to offer to Tiger that buddhism does not have.
By the way, Hume is not assuming his way is better, he is just trusting what Jesus said about HIMSELF:
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6
Christians share with others pwhat Jesus said about himself. He excluded any other belief system. And he proved he had authority to say such things when he was raised from the dead. His tomb is empty.
Budda's tomb is not.
It seems to me like Christ DOES have something to offer to Tiger.
If Brit Hume is supposed to be a manifestation of what christianity can do for a person, you can count me out.
As for Jesus rising from the dead, I am hardly going to base my life on such a fable. The different gospels cannot even get straight something as simple as who was present when it happened. It is a myth stolen from the myths of earlier cultures and no more.
#1: You do not judge a religion by its followers, but by its founder. Analyze Jesus Christ and see if you see anything wrong with him. If you can’t, you might want to consider his message because no human being holds a reputation like his.
#2: About the discrepancies on the gospels: Simon Greenleaf, famous American lawyer and jurist from Harvard University in his book Testimony of the Evangelist “notes that there are parallel accounts from the evangelists concerning the central events of Jesus' life and that these accounts are not verbally identical. He maintains that discrepancies in their accounts are evidence that the writers are not guilty of collusion, and that the discrepancies in their respective accounts can be resolved or harmonized upon careful cross-examination and comparison of the details” (from Wikipedia)
In other words: The gospels are considered reliable evidence by the standards of a modern court of law.
#3: About the myths: If you are referring to Mithras , Dionysus, Horus Attis, etc, all these similarities were added a century after Christ. I recommend you the book, The Case for the Real Jesus, written by ex-atheist and now journalist Lee Strobel. It is full of interviews to experts and scholars on this theme.
We can talk about these facts all day, but at the end, the bottom line is this:
You will accept or reject Jesus depending on your capacity to understand that you need what he is offering. He is offering you forgiveness of your sins. He died for you to be able to offer you freedom.
“I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”
–Jesus Christ (John 10:11)
Jesus supposedly healed the sick and rose from the dead a few thousand years ago to prove his divinity to the masses. I will seriously consider becoming a believer if he will appear and perform a similar miracle today. My mom has been dead for three years. If he would raise her from the dead, that would do it for me.
Please don't tell me to take all this stuff on faith. People in Jerusalem did not have to take it on faith 2000 years ago according to your story.
Some 2000 years ago Jesus raised from the dead a guy called Lazarus. He did it in daylight in the view of many people. After that some people believed in him, but still some others did not:
“So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, 11for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him” (John 12:10-11)
The priests KNEW of the miracle of Lazarus being raised and STILL did not believe in Jesus because they did not like his message and its implications. It made them look bad in front of the people, it caused them to engage their own sins, and it called on humility to receive forgiveness. The same obstacles refrain people of receiving Jesus today, even after acknowledging there is nothing wrong with Jesus itself.
Many people in Jerusalem DID took that on faith after hearing the testimony of the ones that saw everything happening in front of their eyes! All the original members of the church were JEWS. The first Christian church was the one in JERUSALEM and from there spread to the whole world.
The apostle Paul, a zealous Pharisee and a jew, was a furious persecutor off early Christians and he also came to the conclusion that this was real and died in Rome preaching this message. 11 out of the 12 apostles died tortuous deaths and they did not recant their “story”. Thousands of Christians gave their lives in Roman circus eaten by lions because they knew this was real.
All this is history; you only have to study it with the same openness that you study other themes and you will come to the conclusion that this faith is not blind, it is based on knowledge of historical facts.
Essentially, you are asking me to believe because people gave their life for their belief. I am definitely NOT making a decision on that basis. Do remember the Hale Bopp people who all died for their belief? Do you remember Jonestown where hundreds died for their belief? Examples could go on and on back in history. The fact that people are willing to die for some crackpot belief has no impact on me whatsoever.
As I said, if your god can bring my mom back to life, I will be on board immediately!! Otherwise, you are no different that the people of Jonestown.
#1: The Hale Bopp people did not die to DEFEND their belief, they committed suicide to ACHIEVE their belief. "It was the only way to evacuate this Earth" Marshal Applewhite, Heaven’s Gate founder
In Jonestown Jim Jones convinced its followers to commit mass suicide to avoid being arrested, NOT TO DEFEND ANY BELIEF. "We didn't commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world." Jim Jones, Peoples Temple founder.
There is no comparison here with the Christians. They saw Jesus resurrected and they were persecuted and killed because they did not recant what they knew was true.
#2: I am not asking you to believe because somebody gave their life for their belief.
I am asking you TO CONSIDER BELIEVING because there are historical reasons to think that what happened in the Gospels is true.
I am really sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. But bringing her back from the dead will only prove that there is a God but that does not lead to a relationship that God. The people of Israel knew God and still rebelled to Him. He made miracles in front of them and still, while they knew He existed they went apart. Adam and Eve knew God and rebelled; the list goes on.
Ultimately what God wants is a relationship with you, and he send his Son to die for you so you know that he loves you, is interested in you and that He is able to prove it by giving his life BEFORE you even consider having a relationship with Him.
“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”
-Romans 5: 6-8
Christ is different than anything you have known.
You are correct that bringing my mom back to life would prove to me that there is a god. That is what scientific, rational thought is all about. I do not accept the existence of things on faith. Of course, your position compels you to believe that this is how god made me. I have no more intention of believing in bible stories than I do the stories of Horus. Since your god apparently made me this way, I think you need to accept that and stop trying to change god's plan. ;)
Jim Jones did promise his followers that they were going to a better place, just as the apostles of Jesus believed....and just as Islamic terrorists believe today. It is a story repeated over and over.
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