It Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Guy

FBI search, leaked documents lead to renewed calls for ousting of Scott Bloch
The FBI on Tuesday executed search warrants on OSC headquarters and the Dallas field office, as well as Bloch's home. The agents collected documents and laptop computers and issued 17 subpoenas in an operation lasting more than seven hours. Debra Katz, who is representing OSC employees who have filed complaints against Bloch alleging whistleblower retaliation, said five or six current employees and numerous former employees were issued subpoenas to appear before a grand jury next week.
"OSC employees were told before the search warrants were executed yesterday that the special counsel was the target of the probe, not the people in the office," Katz said.
The investigation into Bloch appears to be focused not only on potential obstruction of justice charges against him, but also on the possibility he lied to Congress last year and manipulated OSC investigations, according to sources.