Friday, May 08, 2009

Another Example of Dogma Making People Crazy

I cannot believe that a judge and prosecutor bought into this horseshit.....

BALTIMORE -- A Baltimore mother accused of being part of a cult pleaded guilty Monday to starving her baby to death.

Prosecutors claimed during the trial of Ria Ramkissoon that her 16-month-old son, Javon Thompson, was denied food and water because he stopped saying amen at meal times and had a rebellious spirit. He later died.

Ramkissoon, 22, admitted her guilt in one of the strangest plea agreements reached in a Maryland court, 11 News reporter Barry Simms said.

Under the plea agreement, Ramkissoon would get 20 years behind bars with a judge suspending all but time served. She must also undergo treatment, including the process of deprogramming and five years of probation.

But the plea agreement also included that the murder charges against her be dropped if her son was resurrected.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The More Things Change, The More We Stay The Same

Since people started conquering each other thousands of years ago, one essential element has been to force your religion on the people you now dominate. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we are still doing it! This time in Afghanistan.

A report by Al Jazeera English shows soldiers in Afghanistan passing around Bibles in Pashto and Dari, the languages of Afghanistan, presumably to be distributed. The chaplain leading the discussion acknowledges that “proselytizing” is against military rules, but one soldier says, “you can give gifts“: