Saturday, January 03, 2009

Petition Wal-Mart to Hire Alberto Gonzales

It's a terrible shame that no one is willing to hire a former Attorney General of the United States. That's especially true for Alberto Gonzales, a man who's proven that he'd do absolutely anything (lie, violate the constitution, break US law, excuse torture. etc.) for his employer.

Wal-Mart's benefited greatly from the anti-labor policies of the Bush Administration. I think it's time they stepped up and returned the favor by hiring Alberto Gonzales to greet their customers.

He has a lot to offer a company like Wal-Mart. If someone asks him where to return merchandise, he could tell them he doesn't recall, or better yet, say something like, "You did not buy that here; you built it in your garage," or "Uh, you're at the wrong place. This isn't Wal-Mart. Nancy Pelosi switched our signs during the night."

Go here to sign the petition:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

My Letter Makes the Bee! Woooo Hooooo!!

Good way to start the new year with my letter actually getting printed this time....

Christoper G. Tasy's Dec. 27 Valley Voices piece is filled with such inaccuracies, misrepresentations and false premises as to render it more comedy sketch material than serious commentary.

Outright fabrications, such as the claim that the pope has been the world's moral conscience, are simply laughable. One need only look back to the pope's inaction during World War II to see the moral vacuum at the Vatican. Ghandi was a much better moral example than many popes.

Mr. Tasy also downplays the child-abuse scandal by claiming that the accused were less than 1% of the priesthood. What he ignores is that the real issue was the cover-up by church leaders, which allowed the abuse to continue unchecked in too many cases.

He asserts there are no legitimate ethical or moral arguments for abortion, birth control, homosexuals or women priests. Most thoughtful people would say there are arguments on both sides of these issues.

Finally, he compares Americans to children, with the Catholic church as our parent. What a crock! It is time for thinking people of all countries to move past the mental enslavement and real harm that Catholicism and other religious fictions have brought us to.

Jeffrey W. Eisinger


Monday, December 29, 2008

Frezno in the Newz

We saw a film many years ago about skaters using swimming pools at abandoned the action has come to Fresno with all of its foreclosed homes....

On a recent morning, a 27-year-old skateboarder who goes by the name Josh Peacock peered into a swimming pool in Fresno, Calif., emptied by his own hands — and the foreclosure crisis — and flashed a smile as wide as a half-pipe. “We have more pools than we know what to do with,” said Mr. Peacock, who lives in Fresno, the Central Valley city where thousands of homes, many with pools behind them, are in foreclosure. “I can’t even keep track of them all anymore.”

Skaters are coming to places like Fresno from as far as Germany and Australia. Mr. Peacock said his floor and couch were covered by sleeping bags of visiting skateboarders each weekend.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Baloney in the Bee

Here is my letter submitted to the Bee in response to the big waste of ink used to print Christopher Tasy's guest column yesterday......

Dear Editor:
Christoper Tasy's recent guest column is filled with such inaccuracies, misrepresentations and false premises as to render it more comedy sketch material than serious commentary.
Outright fabrications such as the claim that the pope has been the world's moral conscience are simply laughable. One need only look back to the pope's inaction during WWII to see the moral vacuum that exists at the Vatican. Ghandi was a much better moral example to the world than many popes have been.
Tasy also downplays the Catholic child abuse scandal by claiming that the accused were less than 1% of the total priesthood. What he conveniently ignores is that the real issue was the cover-up by church leaders which allowed the abuse to continue unchecked in too many cases.
The column goes on to assert that there are no legitimate ethical or moral arguments for abortion, birth control, homosexuals or women priests. Most thoughtful people would have to say there are arguments on both sides of all of these issues.
Finally, Tasy compares Americans to children, with the Catholic church as our parent. What a crock! It is time for thinking people of all countries to move past the mental enslavement and real harm that Catholicism and other religious fictions have brought us to.

Jeffrey W. Eisinger